Friday, September 2, 2011

Five Hours +

Today was a good (short) day, but we accomplished four more scenes. Myself, Jenn and Mike arrived at The Foursome at about 8:40am, right before Jeff drove in. Matt, my Dad's business partner, was there shortly after. Like I said before, it's the set-up that takes the most amount of time. I'm not used to location shooting either, so I'm still getting used to the feel of it. But the owner's son and the other employees were really nice about us being around their space.

We did this opening eight times. We just needed to nail the rhythm of a fresh scene. Plus there was a store issue that we couldn't really solve, but I wasn't too upset about it. We were able to cut the music playing in the lobby, but the air conditioning didn't want to shut off. It was odd, but it didn't ruin anything, mostly because this opening part was one shot, so it's not as if I need to do any cutting around. If I was doing cutting in the scene, it would be important to make all the surrounding atmosphere as quiet as possible.

Mike doesn't know I am posting this picture. This is Mike looking at multiple Mikes in the mirror. He's responsible for sound and taking notes. We just started keeping a sound log: Audio File Number, Scene, Take and additional notes. It's a great resource to have once I get down to editing. I will start putting footage together soon. I was going to tonight, plus I was going to go out to Rudy's house to start blocking out some scenes plus chat about wardrobe, but something came up.

After the foursome we went to Tuttle's. We were right on schedule. We did some driving scene real quick, then got back to the bowling alley. We did four quick takes, then that was that.

Jeff and I drove over to Ragstock to pick up two more shirts for Paul. We only had 4, and we needed a couple more. For a bit after this we discussed some additional wardrobe stuff; motivation behind why  Paul would or would not use a shirt in a particular scene. It's those small details that will seem like nothing choices, but where we put a lot of thought into it. But we have to, as we're shooting sequences out of order -- shooting scenes 31 - 36 tomorrow, the next week we'll shoot scene 30 -- we need to decide these things ahead of time so we don't screw ourselves if we suddenly decide to go a different route. We'll be locked into a certain look. Added to that, the make-up will have to be closely watched, just so there is consistency with that.

Jenn will be doing the make-up. So far, she's "Clapper girl", Costume Designer and now make-up. She may end up being in charge of the extras perhaps, which then would technically be 1st Assistant Director. Good thing she loves me! :)


Earlier in the afternoon as I was prepping for tomorrow, I found some of my old screenplays. I found the second feature screenplay I wrote, Cold Shower. It's such a bloated screenplay, but I love that. I still want to make an epic Altman film of my own. That one is 175 pages, down from 200+, and contains 347 scenes. Nicotine is 102 pages, and contains 100 scenes. Goodness. 

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