Today we shot three scenes; Scene 11, 30A and 67. Originally it was meant to be four, but I might have found a better location for the last scene we were gonna shoot, so I cancelled it. I tried to see if a pizza place near where Rudy lives would donate food to the production for our lunchbreak, but they didn't seem to know if they could, or what I was talking about. It was interesting. Jennifer Prettyman, the actress playing Liz, suggested I try this idea. She worked on some films where some places donated food to her production, because they're required to donate so much food per year. Maybe another time.
At about 7:40 this morning Jenn and I went to Cub and bought four pizzas for $10. Good deal. At first this morning we were about 20 minutes behind schedule, then shot right up until 12. We ate some pizzas, and I unloaded 16GB (29 minutes) worth of footage onto Jenn's laptop, then charged my battery up, and at 12:45pm we started Scene 11. We were way behind schedule. About 45minutes at this point. Rudy also had to be gone at 1:10, because he had to work. So we shot all of Rudy's stuff first, and at 1:12 he had to leave. We kept shooting in his house (with his permission, of course) and did it all without Rudy. It's not ideal, the way everything went down, but we got it done. I need to invest in a second battery. It's ridiculous waiting around for the battery to charge, not too mention a waste of valuable shooting time.
I don't know what it was, but after about every 12 minutes worth of footage shot, I needed to get out of the basement/house and into fresh air. I was severely overheating. It was rough, and I'm not quite sure what it was. Lack of water probably. It was also 86 degrees, and we had to turn the air conditioning off for the sake of the sound.
Alison arrived at 3:00pm sharp. At that time, because we were so behind and I was dying, we weren't ready. We ran through scene 67 about four times before we found the rhythm again. We last worked on this scene one month ago and today we were going to shoot it. I wish I had more screen time for Alison. Sometimes I feel guilty finding actors for very small parts. For that case, I wish I had more screen time for Andy. But those small parts, if carefully shaped, will without a doubt make the film better. Every part needs to be strong, or the whole thing crumbles.
So far I've cut together nine minutes worth of footage. It's real easy stuff, one shot type of stuff, but that won't last for long. Part of the style is simple and minimal, some of the style is tight with cutting back and forth. I like both methods, and I planned on doing it both ways, so I'm happy with the footage. It's one thing being on the set and having your focus on several things; lighting, photography, character motivation, line delivery, etc, but it's another thing being able to sit back and watch the footage unfold after the fact. I wish I had the luxury of having a big film crew (sometimes), because I wouldn't have to worry about all the technical stuff, I could focus completely on the actors working. But it has all worked out. Like I said, I'm happy with the footage.
Tonight (9/11) will be a day production not planed. We're shooting four scenes tonight and seven on Wednesday. Wednesday will be a long day. Eddie stuff, Sunsets, then a couple smaller Paul scenes. A full day. The more and more we've been working on these bigger scenes, the better I feel. I was nervous with starting this movie. It's been awhile since I made one, but also the various areas of production I needed to concern myself with was driving me insane. I've really been getting a better idea of what a producer is. I always knew what the producer did, but never did that sort of thing. It's been a good experience, but I certainly prefer the directing part.
I will leave you with a photo from 9/10. Harold, Alison and Jeff | Scene 67.
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