Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fun Happens with Nicotine

Today at 1:00pm, Alison, the actress playing Courtney, was over for her first rehearsal and meeting with Jeff and Harold. The chemistry right away between her and Harold was natural and fun, and once we started working on the scenes between Courtney and Peter, it was elevated even more so. Often the way we start a scene is to develop about a half-page to a page worth of improv material, just so the beginning of the actual written dialog feels like it came from a real place, and didn't just suddenly start out of thin air.

Sc. 67, P. 61 to 66

Sc. 62, P. 59 to 60

After we went through some material we wandered outside to take some pictures. I'm in the process of collecting photos from Alison and Harold, mostly so I have extra background props to use at Courtney and Peter's house. The below picture will probably be something seen on the fridge. We took a few other pictures, but I'll save those for the film.

At about 3:00pm Alison was finished for the afternoon, then Harold and Jeff ran through the Peter and Paul scenes. Some of this stuff we haven't worked on since July, so it was very nice to go back to those first scenes we started with. It was a combination of remembering what we originally talked about and wrote down, then trying new things.

Oh my god, Jenn took a pic that includes me. The only picture I'll post of me, by the way.

Sc. 89, P. 89/90

This process has gone really well. To the point where we're definitely ready to shoot this dang movie. At  4:30 we finished for the day. Everyone was fairly exhausted, so Jenn ordered some Pizza Luce goodness. Garlic Mashed Potato and The Bear. Oh man, it was awesome.

Tomorrow morning a bunch of us are going bowling at Tuttles, then we'll run over a few bowling scenes.  After that I will sit down and write out a good shoot schedule for September. I've been organizing most things to happen that month, with one weekend dedicated to photograph all the outside stuff. 

About to collapse, gotta get to bed. 

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