Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Exhausting Day

It wasn't exhausting in the marathon runner sense, because that would be insane, and not how I would describe it at all. The day certainly started off tired, as I didn't get as much sleep last night as I would've liked. That's a problem of mine and it's controllable too, I don't have insomnia anymore. Anyway, good things happened today.


Right away this morning I drove out to Sunsets in Wayzata. I don't have any pictures because I forgot the battery for my camera. Yup. What about my cell cam? Well, I didn't think about that. I met with the General Manager of Sunsets, such a nice lady. She's been at the restaurant for 20 years. I love the location; small area is very quaint, runs on its own time, nice breeze off the lake, it even reminds me of a New England type of setting. They are more than thrilled to help out. We're shooting at the restaurant on Monday, September 12th in the evening. I reserved three tables out on the patio. One table for the main action in the scene, then two tables next to it that I will fill with "extras", just so we're not getting in the way of actual customers. We're renting some small lights from LightsOn that will give me the ability to recreate a solid continuos sunset setting.

The whole entire night at Sunsets will be a bit nerve-wracking in some sense. We'll be putting on a show for the customers and anyone passing by. I've never been that much in the spotlight while working on a project, so it will for sure be a new experience. I'm actually not too worried about this. We'll go in, set-up the stuff, shoot the scene, break down the stuff, then get out. All from 7:00pm to about 9:30pm. I tend to schedule things overly long, just in case.


Unfortunately things won't work out with my bank for shooting a lobby scene between Paul and Peter. It would have been perfect, but that's life. You can't always get what you want. The Bank Vice President did suggest a building near by on Old Country Road 15. It was mighty nice of him to think of the place, but as I drove through and looked at the building, it wasn't exactly what I'm looking for. The business that Peter works at is unspecified, but the lobby needs to be bright and up to date with its architecture. Also, preferably tile flooring and a dark stained wood trim around the area. We're still looking for this place.


Tux shop. I had much luck with this location today. The Foursome: Men's Clothing, located in Plymouth on Vicksburg. The first thing I asked was for him to explain to me the process of finding a tux. He showed me the area in the building where they take the measurements of a customer, the books they look through, the designers, the mock-tux that the customer tries on as they size everything. It's going to look great. I talked with the owners Son then, and he thinks it will all work out. He just needs to talk to the person in marketing, then have her call me. They can't imagine there will be a problem. This will more than likely be shot at 9:00am on Friday, September 2nd. I ended up spending about 50 minutes in the store. Of course, because I am getting married and I happened to be in a tux place, I spent a little time looking at tuxes too.


Phone booth at the golden valley shopping center. I think I originally received a wrong number for the Property Owner of this location. I talked with the original person I talked with, the sort of marketing manager of the shopping center. She gave me the number of the man I need to call. I was planning on doing that today, but then it didn't happen.


That is all for now. Off to the Twins game in a bit! Until next time! 

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