Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Funding Update + First Major Purchase

If you're just finding this blog now, I will give a brief description of what NICOTINE is:

It's a free-form exploration of a group of four elementary school friends now in their late 20's. Paul, who is the center and balance of them all, is unhappy with his position in life and is slowly losing his grip on things when something happens to one of the friends. The film isn't much about plot, but rather specific emotions and conversations the characters involve themselves with that pushes the whole thing forward.

As of right now we've raised $620.oo. That is an amazing number and it will definitely help this production.  Some have said they wanted to donate more, but I want to say this: Any amount, $5 to $50, no matter what you've chipped in, it all leads to the ultimate goal of making this film. It's all progress, and I am quite thankful for your support. Some of the money will be used for equipment purchases, lens rentals, some will be used for our many sequences at a bowling alley, permits on certain locations (if needed), and some of it will be used to push this film into the festival circuit (when we get to that). Our ultimate goal is to raise $1,000. If you're interested in helping with my film, you can always hit the Donate button below: 

What is our first major purchase? 

The Zoom H4n, a piece of equipment that will give us amazing fantastic audio. Johnathon Olsen, my friend and producer on this film, will be splitting the cost of the Zoom with me. We both want it, so it's logical and economical to buy one to share. $300, maybe less if we go for a used one. 


As I posted yesterday, the phone-booth I want (and must use) is without a phone. Corey found a craigslist ad for someone selling an actual pay phone for $65. I was able to bring it down to $50. Unfortunately the person sold the phone to a prop company. However, they were kind enough to supply me with their contact information. I sent an e-mail off to the prop company to see how much it would be to rent the phone from them for 3 or 4 hours. Waiting for a response. 

As far as the location is concerned, I contacted a woman who is in charge of marketing and events for the Golden Valley Shopping Center -- the folks at RagStock supplied me with her number. She referred me the people I need to call, the actual property owners of the facility. I am not worried about locking this place for maybe three hours. 


In the reality of things, I wanted to start production on August 5th, but as we've went along, that was going to be less and less likely, though the actors understand. There are a lot of small -- well, I suppose they're big -- things that need to come together to make this all work. It's all working out though. I am not worried about making this film. 

Until next time!

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