As of Sunday, December 18th, NICOTINE hit 100 minutes. No, that's not the complete length of the film, because that is still up in the air. I'm still gonna guess 2 hours and 15 minutes. I need to trim. I don't want to trim, because, as I've stated in the past, I love excess. But excess is only good and cushy if nothing is truly redundant. Another thing is just trimming scenes down by cutting in late or cutting out early. There are times where cutting out of any given scene ten seconds sooner will have a different impact than leaving those ten seconds in.
The nice thing -- well, sorta -- was that I was sick for five days. In those five days I didn't cut anything. So looking back at it today felt invigorating to say the least. I had been working on a scene that lasts all of eight minutes, but takes place in a car, in a front yard, at the front door, in a basement, back to the door, to the driveway, etc. It was a lot of cutting around, and each section was/is so short that I had a horrible feeling that the entire film was suddenly going to feel too pieced together. This particular scene was modified from the screenplay a bit because of various elements at the location, which is fine. Added to that I was having an off day when we shot this scene. There were just some days where I felt like I didn't actually contribute to anything; I royally screwed up and wasted several hours and money and didn't make much progress. We eventually continued to shoot what wasn't working and even re-shot quite a bit on a different day. Anyway, back to what I was saying. After five days of being sick, I went back to what I had cut and suddenly the scene worked. Having a break from the work is generally a smart idea.
I will be cutting a trailer soon. I don't like trailers. If I could, I would just rip off The Brown Bunny or Little Children trailer, but I can't do that. Well, I could.
Rudy Pavich, the actor who is playing Scott, will be putting together the music; messy jazzy Reno-ish lounge music is what we had talked about a bit. It's not really a score, but he's slowly been putting something together. On December 8th he sent me a rough cut of something he was working on. I will probably have that featured in the trailer. My trailer won't explain much of anything, but I prefer that to a trailer that gives too much away.
Now then, here is Poster #4. I have my name on it because enough people wanted to know why I didn't have my name on the poster. It feels weird doing that, but, whatever. This is more of a typical indie movie poster, I believe.
Until next time!